Wednesday 19 January 2011

provocative MILK

Australian Photographer Lukas Gansterer's new exhibition makes milk provocative.
Heres a few quotes from an interview for Dazed and Confused magazine explaining his work.

Dazed Digital: How do you explore 'milk' in your new exhibition?Lukas Gansterer: My main finding was that milk smells really sour after half an hour (laughs). Actually, the exhibition shows a girl playing with milk and the gallery space will be covered in polythene sheets, which are also used in porn movies. When I started to work on this topic, I recognised that images become really progressive and bold if they show milk, especially on a female body.

DD: How did the idea of using milk first inspire you?Lukas Gansterer: I saw a girl drinking milk. That was enough inspiration.

DD: What role does porn play in your work? What is it about that appeals to you as 'art'?Lukas Gansterer: Provocation has always been a theme of my work. Over the last two years "porn aesthetics" have started to play a more important role. I have never really been concerned with photography in relation to art. To refer to a photo as a piece of art doesn’t necessarily make it better. I want to take strong pictures. The viewer should start to think about the moment and situation I have captured, not about the issue of whether it is art or not.

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