Saturday 22 December 2012

Triangle Show

So in the last week of the the second half of the year curated an exhibition in the triangle space of a current piece of work. We were split into three groups and given different sections to start with to make it more manageable. We arranged our work so  it worked well as an exhibition with other works around it but whilst still trying to find the best possible place for individual works.

I got to show my video (above) in a slightly darker area near a corner of the space, which I think worked well. I showed my video on a tv screen sat on a plinth. However this isn't the ideal way I would like to show my work. Ideally I would like to show it as an installation projected in a dark room with only this piece of work showing to create a more intense and confrontational experience. i think this would greatly effect the viewing of the work and it's intensity. So next time I show in this sort of setting I need to think of a better way to show it.

During the private view some people told me my video was horrible and not very nice to watch which actually was good to hear.

A couple of days later we had a group crit in the space. Due to there being so many people in the space we only got a brief over view of each work.


  • Someone felt it was more a comment on youtube and blogging culture which I hadn't even thought about. I think this was just due to the way parts of the documentary was filmed. I need to avoid it looking like this as I don't want to be making a comment on that. So I maybe need to be more selective with my footage next time as my other videos have never had that feedback.
  • Apparently it needs to be more universal so it effects everyone in the sameway, but I don't believe this should be the case and you can't expect everyone to feel the same about a piece of artwork or have the same reaction.
  • I have good starting ideas though and it is a powerful video
  • need to look at Ryan Tricarten and Low Provos.
  • People weren't sure why I put the bit with Will Ferrel in it. I mainly put this in, to add a bit more ridiculousness in it which reflects aspects of the disorder.

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